About Us

Family above all.
Trusted By The Best
Champs Academy logoAll Star Martial Arts LogoOne Martial Arts LogoAbsolute Martial Arts LogoHong's Taekwondo logo

Meet Aadam

Aadam is a 25 year old entrepreneur. He grew up at his parents martial arts school based in Ontario. Aadam was always passionate about business and martial arts.

By the age of 16, he achieved his 3rd dan black belt belt in Taekwondo and his blue-belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. During the pandemic, Aadam's family lost their martial arts school.

Out of desperation, he started learning marketing so that he could help them recover their school. After four years he helped his family recover their school, reach 6 figures per month and open multiple locations.

Since then, Aadam has assembled a team of family and friends to help serve more schools in our industry. To date, we have served over 300 schools, generated millions of dollars in revenue and impacted tens of thousands of lives.

A headshot of the CEO
Aadam Lodhi

Our Team

Amaan Lodhi
Head Of Creative
Isa Lodhi
Head Of Business Development
Talha Cheema
Partner Success Manager
Jacob DeGrace
Brannon Beliso
Mariam Lodhi
Head Of Virtual Concierge
Landon Sukie
Aysham Munir
Virtual Concierge
Rylee Edwards
Virtual Concierge
Marcus Valente
Virtual Concierge
Connolly Wilson
Virtual Concierge

Schedule Your Discovery Call

Learn how we can help you grow your school on a pure performance basis. Meaning you only pay us when we get you new students.